DynamoDB design reviews

DynamoDB is a distributed database which delivers consistent performance at any scale - but this assumes a well-designed data model. Poor designs can result in high cost, and unexpected scaling limitations. Because this database is based on materializing fully denormalized views, making major changes later can be difficult - particularly for the kinds of critical use cases it is often employed for. For many, this type of data model is new and quite confusing compared to prior experiences with other database technologies. There is a lot of information out there, but it tends to lean heavily towards misunderstandings associated with “Single Table Design”, and it’s generally based on experience with very low-scale use cases where cost concerns and scale ceilings are not encountered.

It’s also important to understand the guarantees that are provided by DynamoDB, and how to implement application software around its data operations to ensure data validity and proper application behavior even in rare failure/conflict scenarios.

In a data model review with High Bar Solutions, you’ll benefit from extensive experience gained working with thousands of data models supporting critical services at high scale. The sessions are interactive, non-judgmental, and aimed at education - so you can apply the learnings again next time you’re building a solution backed by DynamoDB. The reviews are generally held remote (via conference call), and provided on an hourly basis. A single hour may be enough, but some complex designs sometimes justify a follow-up session or two - entirely at your choosing of course. Perhaps you’re trying to redesign a data model that’s already in production and becoming problematic? High Bar Solutions can help ensure that you’re on the right path for long-term success.

Design adjustments based on recommendations from the review could reduce your DynamoDB costs significantly (10x savings is not unheard-of), and enable you to operate and scale smoothly throughout the lifetime of your application - for most, the investment in a High Bar Solutions data model review is quickly recovered in operation. Contact Pete Naylor to discuss a design review today.